Sean Bean opäť zomrie, tentoraz naňho poľuje Agent 47
Sean Bean môže opäť zomrieť – neprekvapuje nás to. Tentoraz však nezomrie ani vo filme, ani v seriáli, ale vo videohre. Bude totiž prvou Elusive Target obeťou v chystanom titule HITMAN 2.
IO Interactive si z tejto tradície neustále umierajúceho Seana spravilo srandu aj v samotnom traileri, kde herec prizná, že už veľakrát oklamal smrť a dokonca tých, ktorí ho chcú zabiť, dokázal presvedčiť, že bol vyhodený do povetria. V hre si Ned Stark zopakuje rolu bývalého agenta MI5, teda tú istú rolu, ktorá mu prináležala už niekoľko rokov dozadu v legendárnom filme GoldenEye. V misii The Undying stvárni Fabu.
Everyone knows Sean Bean dies in (almost) every film he’s in. But now you’ll get to kill him yourself – as the first Elusive Target in Hitman 2.
Better known as Boromir, Sharpe or poor old Ned Stark, Sean Bean will appear in Hitman 2 as a former MI5 agent – in a very knowing nod to his classic role as 006 in GoldenEye. „I even managed to make them think I’d been blown up,“ Trevelyn – sorry, Bean – says in the trailer below:
Elusive Targets are live missions within Hitman only available for a limited amount of time. You can only take on each mission once, ever. If you fail, that’s it. No pressure.
Hitman 2 arrives on 13th November. There’s no word yet when your window of being able to off Sean Bean will be.